AIAA Autonomous Systems Task Force Outbrief 6 January 2022 1600 - 1700

The AIAA Autonomous Systems Task Force (ASTF), chartered to explore how AIAA could contribute to the advancement of autonomy across the spectrum of aerospace activity, will provide an outbrief on outcomes from its November 2021 Aerospace Autonomy Summit. The summit’s objective was to convene aerospace autonomy leaders and experts from government, industry, and academia to identify relevant aerospace autonomy stakeholders as well as salient policy, technical, and workforce issues. Topics expected to be reported on include identification of 

  • Outcomes needed in the near term to address autonomy standards and certification approaches, including moral and legal and frameworks
  • Outcomes needed in the near term to develop technical methodologies and frameworks to create a clear set of rules and standards for certification throughout the autonomous systems product lifecycle
  • Key specific outcomes needed to develop aerospace autonomy workforce capabilities
  • Key stakeholder organizations and individuals whose engagement is needed to achieve items above
  • Placeholder-Male Glenn Kuller
    AIAA Aerospace Autonomy Summit Lead; Partner, Kuller Consulting LLC