Nominations for AIAA Board of Trustees – AIAA Treasurer-Elect

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 Nominations for AIAA Board of Trustees – AIAA Treasurer-Elect Are Being Accepted Through 27 January 2023

The AIAA Executive Nominating Committee (ENC) will compile a list of potential nominees for the Board of Trustees – AIAA Treasurer-Elect position. The list will include nominees who will be selected to go to the next step of competency review and interview held by the nominating committee. The ENC will select specific candidates for the Institute’s Board of Trustees – Treasurer-Elect in February 2023. The Board of Trustees – AIAA Treasurer-Elect will be elected by the AIAA Board of Trustees in March 2023 and announced soon thereafter.

Treasurer-Elect is a one-year term, and the Treasurer-Elect will automatically ascend to the position of Treasurer at the end of the term as Treasurer-Elect. The Treasurer-Elect will be a non-voting, non-officer position on the Board of Trustees. The Treasurer-Elect position will provide for a one-year overlap with the incumbent Treasurer, thus providing time for training and familiarization of the Treasurer-Elect with the Institute’s financial operations. The Treasurer-Elect’s term of office shall begin May 2023 and shall end at the conclusion of the first Board meeting one year from that date in May 2024.

The Treasurer shall be a member of the Board. The Treasurer shall cause to be kept adequate and proper accounts of the properties, funds, and records of AIAA and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the Board. The Treasurer’s term of office shall begin at the conclusion of the term of the Treasurer-Elect in May 2024, at which time the Treasurer-Elect ascends to the office of Treasurer, and shall end at the conclusion of the first Board meeting three years from that date, or when a successor is seated. The Treasurer may serve no more than one (1) consecutive term.

In addition to the duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer-Elect and Treasurer, the skills and competencies being sought for the Board of Trustees are:

  • Vision: Persons who have the ability to understand present states, clearly define what they should be in the future, and identify steps to achieve those ends.
  • Diverse Business Acumen: Persons who have the knowledge and understanding of the financial, accounting, marketing, communications, human resources, policy, and operational functions of an organization as well as the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions.
  • Domestic and International Aerospace Knowledge and Experience: Board membership reflects: a) the breadth of the various major sectors of aerospace both domestic and international; b) all levels of technology and systems development from basic research through all technology readiness levels to product development and deployment; and c) from different disciplines within aerospace.
  • Leadership/Strategy/Execution: Persons who have the ability to create a shared vision, obtain participation and buy-in, and achieve successful results.
  • AIAA Leadership and Participation: Board membership reflects experience in successful participation in a wide variety of leadership positions within AIAA, as well as knowledge of the governance model.
  • Experience in Adjacent Aerospace Areas: As the Institute broadens its reach beyond the traditional “Breguet Equation” disciplines, Board members who have experience and strategic perspectives in these adjacent areas will broaden the Board’s view on new and emerging areas.
  • Young Member Knowledge and Experience: As the Institute evolves, it is important that Board members have knowledge and understanding of issues relevant to young members in the aerospace industry.
  • Experience with Organizational Growth: Persons with experience in significantly growing organizations will serve as a resource to the Board as the Institute seeks to grow.
  • Experience with Change or Transition Management: Board members with prior experience in organizational change or transition will serve as a vital resource to the Board as it seeks to execute its role.
  • Demographic Diversity: In addition to reflecting the membership’s diversity in the industry and volunteer involvement, it is important that the new Board membership be seen as reflecting demographic diversity (e.g., gender, ethnicity, age, etc.) as well.

AIAA members may nominate qualified individuals for the AIAA Board of Trustees – AIAA Treasurer-Elect position by submitting a nomination package of not more than three pages consisting of:

  • Nominee’s Bio and/or CV and history of AIAA activities and/or engagement with other professional societies
  • Statement from the nominee addressing how he/she meets the sought competencies
  • Statement from the nominee of willingness and ability to serve if elected

Please submit the nomination package directly at no later than 27 January 2023, 1800 hrs ET.