Gene Holloway Chief Sustainability Officer and Executive Vice President, Environment & Sustainability Aerion Supersonic
AIAA Aviation Forum 2019
AIAA Aviation Forum 2020

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As our CSO, Gene leads our company’s objective to elevate Aerion as a global thought leader in environmental responsibility and sustainability.
Gene is passionately committed to environmental responsibility and creating a more sustainable world through work at the intersection of advanced technologies, environment, public good, and the protection of our planet. He works with all organizations within Aerion, across our industry team, and with outside organizations to ensure we meet our environmental and sustainability objectives.
Prior to Aerion, his 45-year aerospace career spanned positions with NASA, Northrop Grumman, and Lockheed Martin in advanced concepts development, systems integration, and air vehicle production, testing and delivery. Gene’s experience in technology commercialization and licensing, joint venture development, industrial participation, market analysis, and strategic planning will aid Aerion to ensure a global transition to sustainable aviation fuels, ensure natural resource management to significantly increase carbon sequestration from the atmosphere, and effectively communicate, educate, and grow advocacy for Aerion’s approach to a sustainable next generation of global transportation networks..
Gene holds a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering from Auburn University and a Master of Business Administration from Pepperdine University’s Graziadio Business School.