Mike Kincaid Associate Administrator, Office of STEM Engagement NASA

As associate administrator, Mike Kincaid oversees strategic direction and leadership of NASA’s science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) engagement function, which attracts and supports the involvement of students in the realization of NASA’s unique missions. Kincaid’s office engages America’s educators, students and institutions in these unique missions, contributing to NASA’s mission success, as well as the nation’s overall STEM education ecosystem.
Kincaid chairs NASA's STEM Engagement Council, which integrates, oversees and assesses NASA’s STEM engagement functions and activities agencywide. Kincaid is also co-chair of Federal Coordination in STEM Education (FC-STEM), a multiagency committee focused on coordinating and enhancing STEM education efforts across the federal government.
In addition, Kincaid is NASA’s representative on the International Space Education Board (ISEB) and serves as the 2019 ISEB chair. He leads global collaboration in space education between 10 countries. ISEB shares best practices and unites efforts to foster interest in space, science and technology among students worldwide.
Kincaid has served NASA for more than 30 years. He first joined NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, Texas, as an intern in 1987, and has led JSC organizations in various capacities including Director of Education, Deputy Director of Human Resources, and Deputy Chief Financial Officer. Prior to taking his current position, Kincaid was the Director of External Relations at JSC, where his office interacted with several stakeholders from across the country.
Kincaid has a bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M, an MBA from University of Houston, Clear Lake, and is happily married with three wonderful children. He is passionate about the impact of STEM engagement and his role in leading the agency’s efforts to engage the nation in NASA’s missions.
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