A Tutorial on Recent Advances in Alternative Fuels Combustion

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Took place January 2018 at the 2018 AIAA SciTech Forum 

The tremendous expansion of the aviation demand combined with the energy crisis and the stringent environmental pollution regulations has been the challenge and the driving force for the alternative fuels research. Potential drop-in alternative fuels offer the opportunity to provide immediate benefits.

Majority of the studies available in public domain deals with just few aspects of alternative fuel research. In this training session we presented a review of current alternative fuels research followed with a wide range of topics that are important for alternative fuels research. The topics included PM and gaseous emissions, impact of different aromatic species on PM and seal swell, fuel system compatibility issues, combustion instability and noise issues followed with impact on Lean Blowout Limits. Overall aim of the training was to give an overall prospective of alternative fuels research and issues.

Key Topics
  • Overall Impact
  • What happens in a combustor?
  • Status of emissions from fuels - Gaseous emissions (CO/CO2/NOx), Particulate matter (PM)
  • Aromatics
  • Other issues (Thermal stability; Vibration, Noise, Combustion Instability)
  • Where to next?
Who Should Attend

This tutorial is a must for anyone working in the field of Alternative Fuels and Combustion or having an interest or need to understand the discipline.

This training would be useful for industry personnel who have dealings with fuels and combustion aspects of fuels. This training would also be useful for students who want to gain more in-depth training on performance of alternative fuels. 

Recommended Resources
Dr. Bhupendra Khandelwal works on combustion, emissions and performance of alternative fuel to be used in gas turbine engines and other combustion sources. He is leading combustion and emissions research areas at Low Carbon Combustion Centre (LCCC), a low carbon initiative by The University of Sheffield. Dr. Khandelwal works closely with large range of industries, government organizations and universities including FAA, Siemens, Rolls-Royce, UK MOD and Dstl.


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