Turbulence Modeling for Modern Industrial CFD
This course covers the fundamentals of turbulence modeling, beginning with the various equation systems and modeling strategies. Theoretical backgrounds are presented for second-moment closure and practical models are presented and demonstrated. Simplifications and alternative
eddy-viscosity modeling strategies are considered that are practical for every-day engineering calculations in an industrial environment. Suitable transient approaches are also considered, including several of the most popular hybrid RANS/LES approaches, as
well as recent advances in areas such as synthetic turbulence. The agenda will cover a wide variety of turbulence modeling techniques with practical examples of each. Students will have the opportunity to participate in running several example cases using easy-to-use demonstration software on the machines provided.
Key Topics
- Understanding of the fundamental second-moment equations
- Basic modeling strategies for unknown higher-order terms
- Simplified closures via eddy viscosity concepts
- Advanced non-linear eddy-viscosity models
- Advanced Hybrid RANS/LES models, including synthetic turbulence
Who Should Attend
This course is aimed at beginner or intermediate engineers using industrial CFD codes.
Traditional and currently popular classes of turbulence model are explained from the fundamentals with no prior knowledge of modeling required. Hands-on training allows participants to test out various models and modeling options to gain experience that can be used in their own fields of
work or research.
General Course Information
- Type of Course: Instructor-Led Short Course
- Course Level: Fundamentals
- Course Length: 2 days
- AIAA CEU's available: yes
- Overview
of Turbulence and the Basics - Reynolds-Stress Transport Modeling
- Hands-on
Training - Basic RSTM Calculations:
- Overview of demonstration
software and fully-developed channel flow example
- Overview of demonstration
software and fully-developed channel flow example
- Contraction
of Stress Equations & Changes of Variable:
- k-epsilon, k-omega and SST.
- k-epsilon, k-omega and SST.
- One
Equation Models:
- Menter, SA, Rt
- Menter, SA, Rt
- Beyond
Conventional Eddy-Viscosity Models – Non-Linear EVMs
- Cubic k-epsilon, SA+QCR and SA-RC
- Variable Pr_t, Yap, Pope,
Sarkar, force field treatments
- Hands-on
Training - Linear and Non-Linear EVM Calculations:
- Impinging-jet flow
- Transonic and axisymmetric bump flows
- Ramp flow/Ruck & Makiola
backstep flow
- Wall
- Transition
- Tripping
- Modeling
- Hands-on
- Transition Tripping
- Transition Modeling using
Langtry-Menter 4-Eqn Model
- Transient
flow modeling: URANS, DNS, LES & Hybrid RANS/LES
- Hands-on
- Hybrid RANS/LES examples
- Hybrid RANS/LES examples
- Summary and Recommendations
Dr. Paul Batten
Dr. Paul Batten has many years’ experience in the numerical and
physical modeling of fluid dynamics and turbulence. He received his Ph.D. from
Southampton University, England, before taking up a position at the Manchester Metropolitan
University, where, as a Senior Research Scientist, he worked on the modeling of
flow-induced resonance inside cavities and weapons bays. In 1995, Dr. Batten
joined UMIST's department of Mechanical Engineering as an Honorary Lecturer
working on a British Aerospacefunded project to develop anisotropic turbulence
closures for high-speed jet and afterbody flows. In 1999, Dr. Batten joined
Metacomp Technologies, Inc. As a Principal Scientist at Metacomp, he has been
developing modeling practices for unsteady flows and acoustics and is leading
the development of the acoustics software suite, CAA++, along with major
contributions to the development of CFD++, including Riemann solvers, turbulence
modeling and hybrid RANS/LES. Dr. Batten acts as reviewer for a number of
international scientific journals and has more than 60 refereed publications in
the form of journal and conference proceedings.
Dr. Uriel C. Goldberg
Dr. Goldberg is a Principal Scientist at Metacomp Technologies. Before joining Metacomp in 1996 he served as a Research Associate at UMIST, Manchester, England. His previous experience includes 13 years of research and development positions at Rockwell Science Center, General Electric's Military Jet Engine Group and AVCO's Systems Division. He received his Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in 1984. His current activities involve fluid mechanics-related models, including turbulence and transition modeling with applications to a broad range of flow regimes. He is the author or co-author of over 75 publications.
AIAA Training Links
For information, group discounts,
and private course pricing, contact:
Lisa Le, Education Specialist (lisal@aiaa.org)