Congressional Visits Day 2022 14 March - 18 March 2022 Virtual

2022 Date: Week of 14 March

Registration for CVD 2022 is closed.

Advocate for Aerospace!

Congressional Visits Day (CVD) is an annual event that gathers U.S.-based AIAA members—engineers, scientists, researchers, and students—to meet with national decision makers and discuss critical community issues in aeronautics, astronautics, and defense. Through meetings with members of Congress, legislative staff, and other key stakeholders, CVD raises awareness of the long-term value that science, engineering, and technology bring to America.

Why Attend
  • Gain a better understanding of current issues impacting the aviation, defense, and space sectors
  • Discover how to personally engage your congressional representatives
  • Learn about the legislative process
  • Develop an awareness of policy and how it affects what aerospace engineers do and how you do it
  • Network with your aerospace community peers
Key Dates
  • 10 March Participant virtual training #2 (“Hosting Meetings”)
  • 14–18 March Virtual team meetings

"CVD is a great opportunity to work with other people who are passionate about aerospace. We all come together with the common objective of advocating for the policy issues that are relevant to our community." Kayleigh Gordon, AIAA Young Professional 


These documents will help you prepare for your visit on Capitol Hill.


Steve Sidorek




