2022 Region II Student Conference 4 April - 5 April 2022 Crowne Plaza Atlanta-Midtown, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Registration is now closed.

Hosting the Region II Student Conference is the Georgia Institute of Technology (GA Tech) | Credit: Joseph Zollo; Wikimedia Commons; CC BY 2.0

Take part in AIAA’s Regional Student Conference by presenting your research in a formal technical meeting, exchange ideas, and discuss programs with students from other universities in your region.

You must be an AIAA Student Member and attending a college/university or high school in Region II to participate in the Region II Student Conference.

Region II includes North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Additionally, it includes students from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Cash prizes are awarded for first, second, and third place winners for each category. First-place regional winners are then invited to participate in the AIAA Foundation International Student Conference, held during the AIAA SciTech Forum each January. 

Refer to the Student Conferences webpage for conference rules and FAQs.

Registration and Cancellation

Registration is now closed.

Non-Refundable Registration Fees

  • Student Base Fee: $75
  • Faculty/Professional: $0

Option to add hotel room, meals, and tours are available in the registration process.

We require all cancellations occur by 27 March 2022. If you cancel after this date, there will be a $100.00 cancellation fee. Registration fees are waived for faculty attendees.


Cassy Dellinger, region2@aiaastudentconference.org

Call for Papers
Abstract Submission is Closed

All papers submitted to the Student Regional Conferences must follow the AIAA Meeting Paper format.

All Region II papers must be approved by the AIAA Student Branch Faculty Advisor, as well as, a second faculty member. The following authorization form will need to be completed and uploaded at the same time as the final paper.

  • Abstract Deadline: 4 February 2022 11:59 pm CST
  • Final Paper AND University Authorization Form Deadline: 4 March 2022, 11:59 pm CST

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) sponsors student conferences in each AIAA Region as a means to encourage students in aerospace-related fields to discuss research, exchange knowledge, and generate interest in the field of aerospace engineering.

This Call for Papers solicits papers for the 2022 AIAA Region II Student Conference.

The conference’s three categories—Undergraduate, Masters, and Undergraduate Team— each have three prizes that are funded by the AIAA Foundation.
The prizes are as follows:


  • First place: $500 and a trip to the 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum in January, for one author
  • Second Place: $300
  • Third Place: $250

Region II sponsors additional categories for this student conference. The prizes are as follows:

For the Regional Design Team Competition, the prizes are recognition for first, second, and third place teams.

Freshman/Sophomore Open Topic Competition

  • First place: $125
  • Second place: $75
  • Third place: $50

Outstanding Student Branch Activity

  • First place: $200
  • Second place: $100
  • Third place: $50
AIAA Foundation Categories:

Undergraduate Category
For the undergraduate student category, no more than two student authors may prepare and/or present a paper at any AIAA student competition. Topics submitted may not be the same or a part of any project involving more than two students. Papers prepared jointly by an undergraduate and Master's student will be scored in the Master's category.

Masters Category
For the Master's student category, no more than two student authors may prepare and/or present a paper at any AIAA student competition. Topics submitted may not be the same or a part of any project involving more than two students. Papers prepared jointly by an undergraduate and Master's student will be scored in the Master's category.

Undergraduate Team Category
The Undergraduate Team paper can have 3 to 10 total student authors (undergraduates only), and one listed graduate student or one listed faculty advisor.

Region II Categories:

Outstanding Student Branch Activity
The Outstanding Student Branch Activity category allows AIAA student branches to share the details of their most outstanding activity during the last 12 months. Only one paper should be submitted for each student branch. For this category a branch should submit a 1-page talking-paper and prepare a 10 minute presentation.

  • The Outstanding Student Branch Activity category is open to all student members.
  • This category requires a one page talking paper.
  • The presentation of work will be limited to 10 minutes.

Freshman & Sophomore Open Topic Category
The Freshman & Sophomore Open Topic category provides students an opportunity to experience participating in the paper competition without requiring the submissions to held to the level of depth of the technical paper competition.

Freshman and Sophomore students are welcome to submit their work in the technical paper competition instead if they feel that their work is better suited for that category.

  • The Open Topic category is open only to Freshman and Sophomores.
  • Paper submissions need to follow the same formatting guidelines as the technical paper categories (Submitting Documents (https://www.aiaa.org/publications/Meeting-Papers/Meeting-Paper-Author) ).
  • The presentation of work will follow the same guidelines (/docs/default-source/uploadedfiles/education-and-careers/university-students/regional-student-paper-conference-rules.pdf) as the technical paper categories.
  • No more than two student authors may prepare and/or present a paper in this category.
  • Any engineering related topic will be acceptable for this category (including aerospace historical topics).

Regional Design Category
Teams in this category will only submit a letter of intent.

  • Design teams are to consist of three or more students. These students may be any combination of graduate and undergraduate students.
  • Any topic appropriate for engineering design is eligible for the design competition.
  • Except by prior arrangement with the Judging Coordinator, ALL MEMBERS of the design team must attend the conference.
  • A letter of intent to participate must be received by the Judging Coordinator. The Letter of Intent will be uploaded directly through the regional conference website. The letter of intent will be due the same date as the manuscripts are due for other categories.
  • Each Student Branch is allowed to enter multiple design teams in the design competition. Student delegates should be limited to participate in only one design team.
  • The conference reserves the right to ask a school that is bringing multiple design teams, to reduce that number if the need arises due to space or scheduling conflicts.

National Sponsors:

The AIAA Foundation
Lockheed Martin

Platinum Plus Sponsor:

Georgia Tech Research Institute

Platinum Sponsors:

Kord Technologies

UA AEM Alumni
Georgia Tech Aerospace Engineering Department

Gold Sponsors:


Silver Sponsors:

Region II
Professional Sections
ATAC, A Textron Company


Reed Integration

Gene Goldman
Mike and Nancy Freeman, retired, University of Alabama

Bronze Sponsors:

Classic Engineering, LLC

Alan and Nikki Lowrey

Contact AIAA Student Programs at studentprogram@aiaa.org.