DC-X/XA – The Genesis of Fully Reusable Access to Space 12 December 2022 3 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. (Pacific Standard Time) Manhattan Beach Library, Manhattan Beach, California, USA, and Online
Organized by the AIAA Los Angeles-Las Vegas Section
The amazing vertical launching and landing capabilities for the rockets of SpaceX and Blue Origin are very exciting. The facts and histories of the NASA DC-X/XA rockets were rarely mentioned. Please join us for this inspiring mega event / meeting to learn more about it, and experience the thrills and inspirations, from the leaders in this groundbreaking and historic project! And networking together!
- Dan Dumbacher, Executive Director, AIAA
Moderator and Keynote Speaker
NASA interest in DC-X/XA and their linkage to SpaceX - Jess Sponable, President and Chief Technology Officer, New Frontier Aerospace (NFA), Inc.
DC-X firsts - Joaquin H. Castro, Aerojet Rocketdyne Space Advanced Programs
Propulsion - James R. French, AIAA Fellow (60+ year member of AIAA!) President, JRF Aerospace Consulting LLC
Systems engineering and schedule - Jeff Laube Senior Project Leader, The Aerospace Corporation, Associate Fellow, AIAA Chief Emeritus, Integration and Outreach Division, AIAA Council of Directors