AIAA Volunteer Leadership

If you are or are considering a volunteer leadership position with AIAA, we ask that you read through the following tabs that have been created to assist you in succeeding in your role. With your help and leadership, we can continue to shape the future of aerospace.


  Know and promote Institute mission, purpose, goals, policies, programs and services
  Be knowledgeable in the domain you are leading
   Review and follow a charter for your group / project that identifies:

  • Your products and services and how they align with AIAA strategic goals and objectives
  • Target market
  • Important events, milestones, deadlines

  Ensure succession planning and recruit new, diverse members with broad representation.
  Identify priorities and provide updates
   Document policies and practices
  Share best practices
  Represent the organization to the community
  Understand roles and responsibilities as defined in the governance documents
  Be a role model and follow the Code of Conduct
   Lead by influence:

  • Establish expectations – keep goal(s) in front of your team
  • Lead by example – roll up your sleeves when necessary to make progress
  • Accommodate other demands on your volunteer teams’ time
  • Communicate regularly – solicit input and share status on progress
  • Get help when needed

  Annual acknowledgment and review of the following:

  Attend annual onboarding session
  Attend quarterly town hall meetings

Division Specific Documents for IOD, READ, and TAD

Documents are listed out below.

Integration and Outreach Division

Regional Engagement Activities Division

Technical Activities Division

Guidance and Mentoring that is Available

If you are an AIAA volunteer leader and are seeking advice or guidance on a specific topic or issue, we have identified a few experts to help you. Please select the category and one of the individuals identified and feel free to reach out to them with your question or the issue that you have. They will gladly respond with an email response that will address your issue. They may suggest a call or video chat as well. This is meant to provide you with a “one-shot” session, not ongoing mentorship. Should you have multiple issues, please contact AIAA staff for ongoing support.

Integration and Outreach Committee Mentoring

Section Mentoring

Student Branch Mentoring

  • Ana Clecia Alves Almeida
    Diversity Scholar, University of Akron Student Branch Chair & Region III Student Conference Lead Organizer

  • Duha Bader
    Diversity Scholar & Region VI Student Conference Lead Organizer

Technical Committee Mentoring

  • Carolyn Woeber
    Meshing, Visualization, and Computational Environments Technical Committee Chair

  • Rick Mange
    Former Aviation Technology, Integration and Operations Group Director

Young Professional Engagement Mentoring

Programming for Leaders

21 June 2024
Leading by Influence: A leadership session with past president Laura McGill
Watch On Demand 
View Presentation 

30 May 2024
Virtal Town Hall Meeting
View Presentation 
View Zoom Meeting Discussion  (Passcode: woB2.&hf )

1 March 2024
Virtal Town Hall Meeting
View Presentation 
View Zoom Meeting Discussion  (Passcode: 1?r$M3jA)

7 January 2024
AIAA SciTech Forum
Council Integrated Training and Workshop
Council Integrated Training
Leading by Influence 
Membership Demographics 
Council Integrated Workshop Discussion Highlights 

10 October 2023
Virtual Town Hall Meeting
View Presentation 
View Zoom Meeting Discussion  (Passcode: Uf5hK^+U)

8, 16, 24 August 2023
Virtual Regional Leadership Conference (Regional and Section Officer Training)
View Replays and Presentations  (member login required)

23 June 2023
AIAA Virtual Town Hall Meeting
View Presentation 
View Zoom Meeting Discussion  (Passcode: ANh8v$sK)

Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Consensus and Collaboration – Empowering Volunteer Leaders

Monday, 12 June 2023
Leading by Influence: A volunteer leadership session with AIAA President Laura McGill
View Presentation 

28 April 2023
Volunteer Leader Onboarding Session 

17 February 2023
AIAA Town Hall Meeting 

13 October 2022
AIAA Virtual Town Hall Meeting 

Committee and Section Funding Documents