Committees & Groups
AIAA Technical Committees
AIAA Technical Committees (TCs) bring together experts in their fields from around the globe to help develop and administer technical meetings; to conduct professional development courses, produce books, and serve as journal and book reviewers; to formulate technology assessment packages for the non-technical public; and even to develop and judge college student design competitions. Find a committee that matches your technical interests and expertise, and it can help your career in many ways.
AIAA Integration and Outreach Committees
AIAA Integration and Outreach Committees (IOCs) are the heart and muscle of AIAA’s programmatic and societal activities. These Committees cover all programmatic and societal interests of the Institute. Work across technical disciplines to forward innovation in our industry by joining an Integration and Outreach Committee.
AIAA Standing Committees
AIAA Standing Committees draw on the vast expertise of our membership to help the Institute achieve its multi-faceted mission, and guide its course into the future. Serving a variety of objectives, the Standing Committees support our members' needs, recognize their achievements, organize career-enhancing activities, give them a voice in public policy, foster productive interactions with their peers, and help them advance technically and professionally. Help the Institute thrive and grow by joining a Standing Committee.
AIAA Committees on Standards
AIAA Committees on Standards are overseen by the Standards Executive Council. These committees provide an invaluable service by fostering the development of new aerospace standards as well as updating current standards and setting the overall direction for the standardization work of the Institute. If you are interested in lending your expertise to this fundamental work, which benefits the entire aerospace profession, please contact the AIAA Director of Standards.
Diversity & Inclusion
In order for AIAA to be the voice of the aerospace profession, and shape the future of aerospace, our leaders understand that our membership needs to be diverse in race, ethnicity, and gender. The AIAA DWG was formed to encourage participation and collaboration across all genders, ethnicities and races, and to enhance AIAA’s representation of the entire industry.