Successful AIAA SciTech 2014 Wraps Up Today
Took Place 13–17 January 2014, National Harbor, Maryland

Leaders from industry, academia, and government gathered in National Harbor, MD, 13–17 January for a successful and well-attended AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2014). A number of headlines were made during sessions at the Forum, including: "2016 Could Bring Breakthrough for Small Satellites," "Elias: Technology Alone Cannot Solve Launch Costs," "Despite Challenges, Affordability is Achievable," "Staying Ahead as China Advances," "Federal R&D Critical to Aerospace Progress," and "Engine of U.S. Economy is Science R&D," among others. The Forum kicked off Monday, 13 January with a keynote address on "The Societal Importance of Federal R&D Investments," by U.S. Congressman Chaka Fattah, 2nd District of Pennsylvania, followed by a panel discussion on R&D Policy Implications and Investments.
The Forum featured a number of other insightful keynote addresses, including "Innovating for an Era of Affordability: The Future of the Space Industry," presented by Richard F. (Rick) Ambrose, Executive Vice President, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company, "Tech Superiority in an Age of Austerity," presented by Frank Kendall, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics, the von Kármán Lectureship in Astronautics on "Space Transportation Past, Present, and...???," presented by Antonio L. Elias, Executive Vice President and Chief Technical Officer, Orbital Sciences Corporation, and "Talent, the Coin of the Realm," presented by C.D. Mote, Jr., President, National Academy of Engineering.
The Forum also showcased a number of timely panel discussions, including, "Aeronautics R&D Policy and the Strategic Direction of NASA’s Aeronautics Research,” "AIAA's Role in Defining the Future of Aerospace," "Turning Technology into a Business," "National Space Tech Strategy," "Designing for Affordability," and "Future of Aerospace Education and Professional Development," in addition to many others.
AIAA SciTech 2014 Headlines > AIAA SciTech 2014 Photo Gallery #aiaaSciTech Recorded Keynotes and Panels >
Ben Marchionna Wins AIAA SciTech 2014 Twitter Contest

Congratulations to Ben Marchionna (@bdmarch) who won the first-ever AIAA Twitter Contest that took place at AIAA SciTech 2014. Ben sent more than 300 original tweets during the Forum, earning first place and an iPad Mini. Coming in second and third place were Prithvi Lopez (@BornToBowlPace) and Daniel Garmendia (@Idle_PhD), respectively. Each sent more than 200 tweets, earning both a VISA gift card. AIAA thanks the 100+ participants who collectively sent more than 3,500 tweets. #aiaaSciTech earned top hashtag honors in the Washington metropolitan area over several days during the Forum. Stay tuned for future contests at upcoming AIAA events.
(Pictured: Prithvi Lopez, Daniel Garmendia, and Ben Marchionna {far-right}, with AIAA Executive Director Sandy Magnus. Click image for larger version.)
AIAA Board of Directors Election Opens 1 February!
Cast Your Ballot by 24 March 2014

As a voting member, you can help determine AIAA’s future direction. An outstanding slate of candidates has been nominated. We urge you to learn about each candidate and then vote for those you consider the best qualified. A complete Election Guide Booklet with candidate statements will be available on 1 February 2014. The guide can be accessed at, where you can also vote electronically, which is faster, more cost-effective, and more secure than paper balloting. If you want a paper ballot, or a printed copy of the candidates’ statements, contact us at 800.639.2422, 703.264.7500, or The polls open 1 February 2014 and will remain open until 24 March 2014. The Institute will distribute a formal announcement in regard to the opening of the 2014 BOD election on 1 February. Cast your ballot on 1 February to make sure your voice is heard! Thank you for your continued support of AIAA.
AIAA and The ABCM Sign Cooperative Agreement
Agreement to Foster Dialogue and Exchanges Critical to Fostering Aerospace Development
AIAA and the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (Associação Brasileira de Engenharia e Ciências Mecânicas)(ABCM) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) 15 January as part of the 2014 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech Forum), 13–17 January at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center.
Jim Albaugh, executive vice president, The Boeing Company, president and chief executive officer, Boeing Commercial Airplanes (ret.) and AIAA president-elect and Professor Leonardo Alves, finance director and secretary of the ABCM’s Aerospace Technical Committee, signed the MOU.
Full Story >
AIAA Mourns the Death of Thomas V. Jones
AIAA Honorary Fellow and Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Northrop Corp.

AIAA mourns the death of Thomas V. Jones, an AIAA Honorary Fellow, and past chairman and chief executive officer of Northrop Corp., now Northrop Grumman. Jones passed away 7 January at the age of 93.
“We mourn the passing of Thomas V. Jones, under whose leadership of Northrop Corporation for more than three decades developed some of the groundbreaking military aircraft that won the Cold War and still keep America safe today” said AIAA president Mike Griffin. “His contributions to our nation, and to AIAA, will not be forgotten.”
(Pictured: Thomas V. Jones, AIAA Honorary Fellow) Full Story >
AIAA Mourns the Death of Robert L. Sackheim
AIAA Fellow and a member of the International Academy of Astronautics
AIAA mourns the death of Robert L. Sackheim, an AIAA Fellow and a member of the International Academy of Astronautics. Sackheim passed away 22 December 2013. During his successful career as one of the preeminent rocket propulsion engineers in the United States, Sackheim wrote more than 150 technical papers, contributed to four books on rocket propulsion, and holds eight patents in spacecraft propulsion and control systems technologies. Sackheim’s service to AIAA was particularly noteworthy. During his membership with AIAA, he served as chairman of the AIAA Liquid Propulsion Technical Committee in 2003 and was appointed to the Editorial Advisory Board for the AIAA Journal of Propulsion and Power in 2001.
(Pictured: Robert L. Sackheim, AIAA Fellow) Full Story >
Important Reminder from the Institute
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Conferences and Events
2014 AIAA Congressional Visits Day
The 2014 AIAA Congressional Visits Day program is set for 12 March 2014 in Washington, DC. Attendees will have the rare opportunity to engage congressional decision makers on many topics related to critical issues in civil aeronautics, civil astronautics, and defense.
As always, our goal is to educate members of Congress, congressional staffers, key administration officials, and other decision makers about the long-term value that science, engineering, and technology brings to the Unites States. Only your participation, enthusiasm, and passion remind our lawmakers that aerospace is a key component of an economically strong and secure nation. If you are interested in the future of your profession, the advancement of technology, the furthering of scientific research, and the strengthening of our nation’s security, this event is for you! Register Today!
Plan to Explore Innovation at SpaceOps 2014

Join colleagues from around the world to "Explore Innovation" at the 13th International Conference on Space Operations, set for 5–9 May 2014 in Pasadena, CA. It’s your opportunity to share your experiences, challenges, and innovative solutions with colleagues from around the globe, and take home new ideas and new connections. Hosted by the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and organized by AIAA, SpaceOps 2014 will bring together the space operations community to address state-of-the-art operations principles, methods, and tools.
Follow us at #spaceops2014.
View the program or register at
Start Collaborating – Submit an Abstract for AIAA Space 2014

The 2014 AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition (SPACE 2014) will examine the impacts of space activity on society. The forum will convene a global conversation about the important role our community plays in enabling a connected culture, monitoring our planet, expanding our boundaries beyond Earth, and advancing technology and innovation to address worldwide opportunities.
Set for 4–7 August 2014 in San Diego, CA, AIAA SPACE 2014 will feature three premier conferences: the AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, AIAA Complex Aerospace Systems Exchange, and the 32nd AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference.
The technical program will feature technical paper and poster presentations structured around 12 technical tracks (View the Call for Papers). Nowhere else will you get the depth and breadth of sessions and information-sharing on space systems, technologies, and programs!
Follow us at #aiaaSpace.
Submit your abstract at
Sharpen Your Skills via AIAA Continuing Education Courses
AIAA provides an ongoing source for learning and professional development for the aerospace community. Through our Continuing Education offerings, we help keep aerospace professionals at their technical best.
Check out our upcoming courses:
View the complete course list and scheduled courses. Missed a Webinar? No worries – download any one of our on-demand webinars!
Proposed ANSI/AIAA Guide to Reference and Standard Ionosphere Models Available for Public Review
We would like to bring to your attention a proposed revision of an ANSI/AIAA Guide that focuses on ionospheric models covering the altitude range from the Earth’s surface to approximately 10,000 kilometers. The proliferation of models and the lack of documentation have hindered general knowledge of their availability as well as their relative strengths, weaknesses, and limitations. The intent of this guide is to compile, in one reference, practical information about known and available ionospheric models—those that describe the physical properties and practical effects of the ionosphere as a function of altitude, latitude, and other key parameters.
The guide is intended to assist communication and space system designers and developers among others in understanding available models, comparing sources of data, and interpreting engineering and scientific results based on different ionospheric models. The document was developed by the AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Committee on Standards. If interested in reviewing this document, please click "Learn More," below. Please note the review instructions on the page.
Learn More >
Honors & Awards
Awards Presented at AIAA SciTech Forum
Awards Recognize Technical Achievements and Literary Excellence
AIAA recognized technical achievements and literary excellence during the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2014), which took place 13–17 January 2014, at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. A number of individuals received awards for technical achievements in aerospace sciences or for literary excellence at an awards luncheon on 14 January.
Full Story >
Distinguished Lecturers Speak at AIAA SciTech Forum
Lectures Recognize Excellence in Astronautics, Research, and Public Service
Three prestigious lecture awards were presented during the AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition (SciTech 2014), which took place 13–17 January, at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. The lectures were awarded for excellence in astronautics, research, and public service.
Full Story >
Call For Nominations - Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize
Nominations must be postmarked by 15 March 2014.
AIAA invites you to nominate candidates for the Walter J. and Angeline H. Crichlow Trust Prize. The Prize is presented by AIAA every four years for excellence in aerospace materials, structural design, structural analysis, or structural dynamics for a specific achievement or body of work (perhaps extending over a period of years) that became significant during the immediate past 15 years. The maturity, universality and usefulness of the innovations and the perfection of application are key requirements of the Prize.
Learn More >
Member Spotlight
AIAA Congratulates Carol Cash

The member spotlight heads to Ohio this month, focusing on Carol Cash for our January column. Cash is an AIAA Associate Fellow and former AIAA Vice President, Public Policy. She is currently President of Carol Cash & Associates, LLC, a consulting firm engaged in aerospace technology marketing, project management, and government relations. At present she is consulting for the Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI). Prior to starting her own firm, Cash had a long career with GE Aviation beginning as the “field” technology marketing interface between GE Aviation and the NASA Glenn Research Center and other NASA locations. In 2006, Cash was promoted to Manager of Advanced Technology Business Development, serving in that capacity until retirement.
(Pictured: Carol Cash, AIAA Associate Fellow) Full Story >
Featured Products
Book of the Month
Finite Element Multidisciplinary Analysis, Second Edition
Kajal K. Gupta; John L. Meek
Hardback – AIAA Education Series
ISBN: 978-1-56347-580-1

This book presents the emergence of the science of aerodynamics, combining modern views with those of Kutta and Prandtl, among others. It provides access to classic works, some of which have never before been published in the English language, to emphasize the evolution of aerodynamics, particularly theoretical aerodynamics, in the 20th century.
AIAA Member Sale Price: $54.95
List Price: $94.95
Visit AIAA's Aerospace Research Central (ARC) > today!
Quick Takes
January Trivia
19 January 2006: A U.S. unmanned probe is launched by an Atlas V-551 rocket developed jointly by Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
Trivia Questions:
-What is the name of the probe?
-Where is it headed?
-When is it expected to arrive?
-What aerospace milestone was achieved?
Trivia Answer >
January Aerospace America Digital Magazine Now Online
The January 2014 issue of Aerospace America is now available online for AIAA members. Don’t miss this month's feature article, “Making Way for Unmanned Aircraft,” by Debra Werner, which discusses how the FAA’s effort to bring unmanned planes into the nation’s airspace faces tough obstacles, “political as well as technical.” Werner adds, “Work is under way to resolve questions about privacy and to find affordable detect-and-avoid technologies.”

To access the January issue of Aerospace America visit, log in, and navigate to “Access Publications & Materials” to select “Aerospace America.”
Career Resources
The AIAA Career Center has the most comprehensive career and recruiting tools for the aerospace industry. Set up an account today and gain access to a variety of aerospace job postings, salary information, professional career timelines and much more! Also, Career Resources for job seekers is now available via the AIAA Career Center.
View the full suite of career resources on the AIAA website!
AIAA in the News
13 January 2014 AIAA Joint Letter on Government Travel Ban Featured In Commentary on Testimony Relating to the Ban Union of Concerned Scientists – Dear Senate: Ease Travel Restrictions on Government Scientists
9 January 2014 AIAA Executive Director Appears on The Space Show to Discuss SciTech 2014 The Space Show – Special Guest Sandra Magnus Discusses SciTech 2014
More AIAA in the News >
Contact Us
Contact the Editor of AIAA Momentum – News to Accelerate the Aerospace Profession. Submit story ideas.