AIAA Looks to Support Reestablished National Space Council Written 30 June 2017

CONTACT: John Blacksten

June 30, 2017 – Reston, Va. – AIAA Executive Director Sandy Magnus, along with other members of the AIAA community, attended an event today at the White House where President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order reestablishing the National Space Council. The Council, which was last operational during President George H.W. Bush’s Administration, will coordinate U.S. space policy among government agencies and departments. Vice President Mike Pence will serve as Chair of the reestablished interagency body.

“We appreciate the Trump Administration’s efforts to strengthen our nation’s space enterprise and view this as an opportunity to create an integrated strategic approach to U.S. space endeavors,” said Magnus. “The Institute stands ready to support any and all efforts to facilitate discussions between our community and executive branch officials. Moreover, AIAA looks forward to working with Council members, staff, and the Vice President’s office as we strive to maintain our nation’s leadership in the civil, commercial, and national security space sectors.”

About AIAA 
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) is nearly 30,000 engineers and scientists, and 95 corporate members, from 85 countries who are dedicated to advancing the global aerospace profession. The world’s largest aerospace technical society, the Institute convenes five yearly forums; publishes books, technical journals, and Aerospace America; hosts a collection of 160,000 technical papers; develops and maintains standards; honors and celebrates achievement; and advocates on policy issues. AIAA serves aerospace professionals around the world—who are shaping the future of aerospace—by providing the tools, insights, and collaborative exchanges to advance the state of the art in engineering and science for aviation, space, and defense. For more information, visit, or follow AIAA on TwitterFacebook, or LinkedIn.


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
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