Boeing Hack Highlights Cybersecurity’s Importance For Aerospace Written 2 April 2018
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Aerospace America reported that automated industrial devices “can damage assembly lines if infected by malware, say US cybersecurity analysts.” Some experts are worried about what they see as a “lax cybersecurity culture in the manufacturing sector that includes insufficient sharing of information about malware.” Because, according to former National Security Agency (NSA) cybersecurity analyst Jake Williams, many “factory machines are leased and not owned,” manufacturers often rely on third parties to ensure the machines’ software is updated and patches are installed. A group of engineers established by the International Society of Automation, called ISA99, is working to “create cybersecurity standards for industrial automated machines and control systems,” but the group “wants more software forensics data” about how malware affects industrial networks.
More Info (Aerospace America, by Tom Risen)
More Info (Aerospace America, by Tom Risen)