Intel Plans Expansion Of Its UAV Program To Industrial, Farming, Construction Sectors Written 2 May 2018
Bloomberg News reports that although Intel UAVs played “starring roles at the 2018 Winter Olympics, the music and arts festival Coachella and danced above the Bellagio Hotel’s fountains in Las Vega,” the company anticipates that new software for “more utilitarian unmanned aerial vehicles may play a more lasting role in its attempts to spread the reach of its chips.” Intel’s Falcon 8+ aircraft is designed for “less-glamorous roles at oil refineries, over farmers’ fields and on building sites,” and is equipped with software allowing businesses to “map out pre-planned flights using simple overlays on satellite imagery.” Intel also plans to “unveil a new suite of software that would enable drone-gathered data to be stored, processed and used by a whole range of industries.” Intel is also working on software that will “allow data generated by Intel’s drone to be rapidly processed into usable reports and three-dimensional models.”
More Info (Bloomberg News)
More Info (Bloomberg News)