Orbital ATK Plans To Expand Satellite Service Offerings Written 12 June 2018
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Space News reports that Orbital ATK’s SpaceLogistics subsidiary plans to offer customers a “wide range of products and services, beginning with its Mission Extension Vehicle (MEV) and progressing to in-orbit spacecraft assembly, repair and cis-lunar transportation.” Orbital ATK Vice President Jim Armor called the MEV a “baby step” toward satellite servicing, and according to SpaceLogistics Vice President of Business Development and Operations Joseph Anderson, the company is maintaining a “keep-it-simple approach” for in-orbit servicing. Anderson said, “Our customers are very risk averse. Taking small incremental steps in risk and technology are what they demand.” SpaceLogistics plans to conduct a “ground demonstration” of its Commercial Infrastructure for Robotic Assembly and Services (CIRAS) technology – which focuses on the in-orbit manufacturing and assembly of large space vehicles – this summer. According to Anderson, following the test, “we hope to be awarded a follow-on contract to do an in-orbit demonstration.” Anderson added that the company plans to develop vehicles equipped with “highpower solar electric propulsion systems” which “could transport supplies to cis-lunar orbit or other destinations” as well as a power and propulsion element for the Lunar Orbital Platform Gateway.
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