Additive Manufacturing Streamlines Processes for Manufacturers Written 11 July 2018
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Additive manufacturing — a hot topic for the past several years — is transforming processes and business models for aerospace manufacturers, a panel of experts said July 11 during the “Additive Manufacturing” session at the 2018 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum in Cincinnati. Christine Furstoss, vice president of engineering and technology at GE Additive, shared one example. “Additive can disrupt the chain of many different parts having to be kitted, because now we can print them as just one part,” she explained. “If you have less parts, if those parts can be better integrated, if we can design out some parts that may have limited life because of joints or failure, we can redesign our business model.”
More Info (2018 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum Notebook)
More Info (2018 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum Notebook)