ISS Partners Support Continued Operation Beyond 2024 Written 3 October 2018
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Space News reports that during a press conference Monday at the 69th International Astronautical Congress, representatives of the ESA, JAXA, and Roscosmos “said they were open to extending the station’s operations to 2028 or 2030 in order to maximize the investment they’ve made in the facility as a platform for research and preparation for exploration activities beyond Earth orbit.” ESA Director General Jan Woerner “said the issue could come up at the next triennial meeting of the ministers of ESA’s member nations, scheduled for late 2019.” At the meeting, Woerner pledged to “propose to go on with ISS as well as the lunar Gateway.” At a briefing held Tuesday, Woerner “emphasized the use of the station as a research platform and encouraged greater commercial activities there,” and called for the use of the station “as long as feasible.” JAXA President Hiroshi Yamakawa emphasized the importance of maximizing “the output of the ISS,” indicating a desire to continue taking part in the venture and adding, “JAXA is requesting budgets annually, so I think in that sense JAXA is quite flexible.” Roscosmos Head of International Relations Dmitry Loskutov anticipates the ISS’ “continued functioning until 2028 or 2030.” RSC Energia General Designer Evgeny Mikrin “also endorsed an ISS extension.”
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