Pence Says US Is In A New Space Race With China And Russia Written 28 March 2019
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SPACE reports on Vice President Pence’s remarks March 26 “during the fifth meeting of the National Space Council (NSC) at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama.” Pence said, “Make no mistake about it – we’re in a space race today, just as we were in the 1960s, and the stakes are even higher.” Added Pence, “The United States must remain first in space in this century as in the last, not just to propel our economy and secure our nation but, above all, because the rules and values of space, like every great frontier, will be written by those who have the courage to get there first and the commitment to stay.” Pence highlighted China’s Chang’e 4 mission to the far side of the moon as evidence of that nation’s “ambition to seize the lunar strategic high ground and become the world’s pre-eminent spacefaring nation.”
More Info (SPACE)
More Info (SPACE)