SpaceX Test-Fires Falcon Heavy For First Night Launch Written 21 June 2019
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21 June 2019
SPACE reports that SpaceX on June 19 test-fired its Falcon Heavy megarocket, as “after several hours of weather-related delays, the massive rocket roared to life, as smoke billowed from its engines during a preflight” static-fire test. The test ignition “is one of the last major milestones in launch preparations, ensuring that all systems are working properly and that the rocket is ready to fly.” SpaceX “tweeted that the test was a success and that the company was targeting a Monday evening launch” for the STP-2 mission. (Image: SpaceX Falcon Heavy lifts off on its demonstration flight, 6 February 2018. Credit: NASA Kennedy)
Full Story (SPACE)
SPACE reports that SpaceX on June 19 test-fired its Falcon Heavy megarocket, as “after several hours of weather-related delays, the massive rocket roared to life, as smoke billowed from its engines during a preflight” static-fire test. The test ignition “is one of the last major milestones in launch preparations, ensuring that all systems are working properly and that the rocket is ready to fly.” SpaceX “tweeted that the test was a success and that the company was targeting a Monday evening launch” for the STP-2 mission. (Image: SpaceX Falcon Heavy lifts off on its demonstration flight, 6 February 2018. Credit: NASA Kennedy)
Full Story (SPACE)