Fourth Of July Event To Feature Aircraft Flyovers Written 3 July 2019
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3 July 2019
Reuters reports that a Fourth of July event in Washington, D.C., tomorrow “will feature military bands and flyovers from the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels and Air Force One.” The “Salute to America” celebration “could also feature...a B-2 bomber, F-35 and F-22 fighter jets, and the Marine One helicopter that transports the president, the Pentagon said.” (Image: The Blue Angels flight demonstration team. Credit: Associated Press-©)
Full Story (Reuters)
Reuters reports that a Fourth of July event in Washington, D.C., tomorrow “will feature military bands and flyovers from the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels and Air Force One.” The “Salute to America” celebration “could also feature...a B-2 bomber, F-35 and F-22 fighter jets, and the Marine One helicopter that transports the president, the Pentagon said.” (Image: The Blue Angels flight demonstration team. Credit: Associated Press-©)
Full Story (Reuters)