Auterion Releases Open-Source Software for UAVs Written 6 May 2020
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Flirtey drone used to make the first FAA-approved delivery in the U.S. | Tim Cox PhotoGraphics, Inc. | Flirtey; Wikipedia; CC BY-SA 3.0
Aviation Today reports that with the US “government and military eager for a profitable domestic small UAS industry to emerge, software developer Auterion seeks to be part of the solution by bringing together the fragmented industry around its hardware and software solutions, built off of the open-source PX4 ecosystem used by millions of drones flying today.” This week, Auterion released Skynode, which is “an avionics and wireless connectivity package that drone manufacturers can either purchase as-is and integrate into their platform or license and re-design to fit their requirements.” Auterion co-founder Lorenz Meier said, “Built on top of open standards like FMUv5x, PX4, and MAVLink, Skynode with Auterion PX4 enables drone manufacturers to rapidly enter new markets by making their products compatible with an ecosystem of payloads, components, services, and workflow integrations that give companies the tools they need to deploy large fleets of drones.” Auterion “also partnered with GE Aviation on Skynode RTA, a version of the product that scales down GE’s commercial airliner-class autopilot system, used on the Boeing 777 and 787, to make Skynode certifiable for operations that require higher safety standards, such as cargo delivery in urban areas.”
Full Story (Aviation Today)