NASA Astronauts Behnken, Cassidy Complete Third Spacewalk of Mission Written 17 July 2020
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NASA astronaut tethered on the space station’s truss structure during a spacewalk to swap batteries and route cables. | NASA
The AP reports that NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Chris Cassidy “completed their part of a three-year power upgrade to the International Space Station on Thursday, replacing six more outdated batteries with powerful new ones.” The astronauts completed their original task an hour ahead of schedule, and were able “to complete the battery swaps in a single spacewalk rather than two.” The astronauts will conduct their fourth spacewalk of the mission next week, which “will now focus on other chores.” One more spacewalk will be needed to complete the replacement of the batteries on the ISS. That spacewalk will likely take place in the fall instead of next week, “because it would involve powering down” a power channel.
Full Story (Associated Press)