Pratt & Whitney Delivers 114 Engines In Third Quarter; Will Invest $650 Million In New Asheville, NC, Facility Written 28 October 2020
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FlightGlobal reports that Pratt & Whitney “shipped 114 large commercial aircraft engines in the third quarter of 2020,” a 24% increase from the previous quarter. Although the company reported a “$615 million operating loss in the third quarter, the company insists it continues investing in its future, noting plans to open a new engine manufacturing site in Asheville, North Carolina.” Pratt & Whitney said that its new 1,000,000 square-foot “turbine airfoil production facility” will “house an advanced casting foundry for the production of turbine airfoils as well as conduct machining, coating and finishing of airfoils on-site.” The company “plans to invest $650 million in the Asheville site through 2027, by which time the facility will [have] created an estimated 800 new jobs, P&W says.”
Full Story (FlightGlobal)