Lockheed Martin to Upgrade GPS Satellites for In-Orbit Servicing Written 1 March 2021
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Artist’s rendition of a satellite servicing mission | Credit: NASA
Space News reported that Lockheed Martin “is redesigning the bus used for Global Positioning System satellites so they can be upgraded with new hardware on orbit, a company executive said Feb. 25.” The company’s Senior Director of Military Space Mission Strategy Eric Brown said that the move is significant because the prominent thought today is that once “something was on orbit[,] you were done with it.” Lockheed Martin’s “redesigned LM2100 commercial bus will be used in the future version of GPS 3 satellites known as GPS 3F. Lockheed Martin expects the third satellite of the GPS 3F line will have the upgraded bus, Brown said during a panel discussion at the Air Force Association’s aerospace warfare virtual symposium.”
Full Story (Space News)