Sikorsky-Boeing SB-1 Defiant Demonstrates Ability to Lift 5,300 Pounds Written 23 July 2021


Boeing-Sikorsky flight demonstration of the SB-1 Defiant in West Palm Beach, FL, 20 Feb. 2020. | Credit: U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Dana Clarke; Wikipedia; Public Domain

FlightGlobal reports that the Sikorsky-Boeing SB-1 Defiant rotorcraft “demonstrated the ability to lift a 2,400kg (5,300lb) sling load in a recent test flight.” The co-axial helicopter “with a pusher propeller is still undergoing flight tests as the US Army reportedly recently sent out request for proposals for its Future Long Range Assault Aircraft (FLRAA) to the Sikorsky-Boeing team and Bell.” The demonstration “also showed the SB-1’s ability to carry troops at the same time as hauling a heavy sling load, the joint development team says.”
Full Story (FlightGlobal)