3-D Printing Poised to Play Major Role in Manufacturing Written 5 July 2022
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GE9X engine | Dan Nevill; Wikipedia; CC BY 2.0
The New York Times reported on the 3-D-printing foundry in Devens, Massachusetts, which is “owned by VulcanForms, a start-up that came out of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.” The company has raised $355 million “in venture funding,” and its workforce “has jumped sixfold in the past year to 360, with recruits from major manufacturers like General Electric and Pratt & Whitney and tech companies including Google and Autodesk.” John Hart, a co-founder of VulcanForms and a professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, said, “We have proven the technology works. What we have to show now is strong financials as a company and that we can manage growth.” For 3-D printing, “the technology, economic and investment trends may finally be falling into place for the industry’s commercial breakout, according to manufacturing experts, business executives and investors.” They say 3-D printing, “also called additive manufacturing, is no longer a novelty technology for a few consumer and industrial products, or for making prototype design concepts.”
Full Story (New York Times – subscription publication)