FPL Says New Drone Can Help Survey Damage During Hurricane Season Written 16 August 2022


Image: Florida Power and Light unveils its new fixed-wing drone designed to fly into tropical storm force winds to help expedite power restoration, 10 August 2022, West Palm Beach, FL. | Credit: Cody Jackson; Associated Press–©

The AP reports that Florida Power and Light “is ready to launch a powerful new technology, just ahead of the busiest weeks of the Atlantic hurricane season: a new fixed-wing drone designed to fly into tropical storm force winds and speed the restoration of electricity after severe weather.” The utility’s FPLAir One drone “resembles a small plane and is remotely operated, enabling the utility to capture and deliver images and video of damaged electrical equipment in real time to its command center.” In a statement, FPL CEO Eric Silagy said, “Rather than going out and try to figure out what’s going on, we’re able to save hours and days on getting the lights on.”
Full Story (Associated Press)