
Young Professionals

 Young Professional Group Leadership
  • Director: Bryan (Brown) Kowalczyk
  • Director-Elect: Taylor Fazzini
  • Emeritus Director: Dominic Pena
  • Event Planning Committee Chair: Kyle Zittle
  • Engagement Committee Chair: Nathan Crane

 Young Professional Newsletter

The Young Professional Newsletter is published for professional members 35 and under on the Young Professionals Engage every quarter. The newsletter addresses topics that are of specific interest to young professionals. There is information on career development, social media, upcoming events and more.

View our newsletters in the  Newsletter Archive.

 Young Professional Networking Events

The Young Professional Group hosts several “Rising Leaders in Aerospace” events at AIAA Forums throughout the year. AIAA’s Rising Leaders in Aerospace program features speed mentoring, networking reception, panel session, and Q&A with top industry leaders, providing young professionals with valuable content relevant to your career stage.

Links to the Forum activities that include “Rising Leaders in Aerospace” events can be found below:

 Lawrence Sperry, an Outstanding YP Award

Many of the biggest names in the industry started out as AIAA young professionals. As a Lawrence Sperry Award winner, you could add your name to one of the most elite groups in aerospace! The Young Professionals Group Membership & Awards Committee selects this recipient for notable achievement in the advancement of aeronautics and astronautics. Each year, AIAA presents the prestigious Lawrence Sperry Award to a young professional member at the Aerospace Spotlight Awards Gala in the spring.

Deadline: 1 October annually

Learn More

 Young Professional Guide for Gaining Management Support

Justify support and financial backing from your company to participate in AIAA's Technical Committees, forums, and professional development activities. 

 Check it out!

 Associate Technical Committee Membership

Qualified young professionals may participate as Associate Members on one of AIAA's many Technical Committees. As an Associate Member, you'll work with the very best in the industry. Technical Committee membership is one of the best ways to meet new faces, network with colleagues, forge professional relationships, and access the very latest technical knowledge. More Info


 Standing Committee Membership

Qualified young professionals may participate as a member on one the Institute's Standing Committees. AIAA's Standing Committees help the Institute achieve its multi-faceted mission and guide its course into the future. Serving a variety of objectives, the Standing Committees support our members' needs, recognize achievements, organize career-enhancing activities, provide a voice in public policy, foster productive interactions with peers, and help members advance technically and professionally. More Info

Rising Leaders in Aerospace Speed Mentoring at the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum, 4 January 2022
Rising Leaders in Aerospace Speed Mentoring at the 2022 AIAA SciTech Forum, 4 January 2022

Rising Leaders in Aerospace Lunch Panel: Start Ups – Survivng Amongst Aerospace Giants, 5 January 2022
Rising Leaders in Aerospace Lunch Panel: Start Ups – Survivng Amongst Aerospace Giants, 5 January 2022