AIAA Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop



This workshop will cover both the state-of-the-art for predicting near field sonic boom signatures with CFD as well as propagation of the near field pressures to the ground. The first day will focus on near field simulation and the second day will include both near field simulation and atmospheric propagation methods. Participants are encouraged to apply their best practices for computing solutions for the provided cases. There is particular interest in exploring refinement techniques including grid adaptation and alignment with flow characteristics.

Workshop Website:

Key Details

  • CFD and propagation test cases will include signatures quieter than those from the 2nd workshop in order to better challenge the predictive methods for relevant low-boom designs.
  • Comparisons to experimental data.
  • An open unbiased forum intended to discuss results and promote cross-pollination of best practices. Open to participants worldwide.
  • Near-field test cases based on:
    • NASA Low Boom Flight Demonstrator (required)
    • NASA shock plume interaction wind tunnel test (required)
  • Propagation test cases include:
    • Standard and non-standard atmospheres (required)
    • Full primary carpet (required)
    • Optional focus case


For more information on the Workshop, contact

Sonic Boom Prediction Workshop Organizing Committee

Mike Park, Melissa Carter, Alexandra Loubeau, Sriram Rallabhandi, James Jensen & Lori Ozoroski - NASA
Juliet Page Volpe - US DOT
Tom Wayman - Gulfstream Aerospace
Todd Magee - Boeing
John Morgenstern - Lockheed Martin
Yoshi Makino - JAXA
Jochen Kirz - DLR
Gerald Carrier – ONERA

