Claudia Mowery Vice President – USAF Programs, Aircraft Systems General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.


Claudia Mowery is Vice President of USAF programs, responsible for managing all domestic MQ-9A US Air Force, Air Force Special Operations Command, and Air National Guard programs. Claudia joined GA-ASI in January 2007 and has been in the unmanned aircraft industry since 2001. 

While at GA-ASI, Claudia has held several positions including: Program Director of USAF Block 50 Ground Control Station responsible for managing development and test. 

Technical Director / Chief Engineer of the Block 50 GCS. Claudia was responsible for successful technical design reviews: Preliminary Design Review (Apr 2016) and Critical Design Review (May 2017) as well as Contractor Testing and First flight of the Block 50 GCS (2019). 

Integration Manager for the Army’s flagship MQ-1C Gray Eagle program ($100M Acquisition Category ACAT-1D). Claudia was directly responsible for the integration and testing of the system in preparation for an Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E) and a Follow-on Test and Evaluation (FOT&E). Both of these milestone test events were successfully executed in 2012 and 2015 respectively and resulted in Full Rate Production (FRP) for the program. 

Prior to 2007, Claudia worked at Northrop Grumman where she held various positions as an Engineer: Mass Properties Engineer, Mechanical Subsystems Engineer (fuel, bleed-air, hydraulic), Environmental Control Systems Engineer, and Guidance Navigation and Controls Engineer on the RQ-4A and RQ-4B Global Hawk program for 5 years. 

Ms. Mowery earned her Mechanical Engineering degree from San Diego State University with the distinguished honor of “Summa Cum Laude” and Valedictorian of the College of Engineering (2001). She also holds a Systems Engineering Certificate from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena (2004) and is a graduate from the University of California San Diego’s Executive Perspective for Scientists and Engineers Program (2016). 

Claudia was recently honored by AIAA for Outstanding Contribution to Aerospace Engineering (2019) and San Diego Magazine’s Rising Star (2018).