David Richwine Deputy Project Manager for Technology, Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator Project, Integrated Aviation Systems Program NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
AIAA Aviation Forum 2019

David Richwine received his Bachelor of Science/Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Virginia in 1983 and Masters in Engineering Administration from The George Washington University in 1986. He has worked in aeronautics research for over 35 years at NASA Langley and Dryden Flight Research Center (now Armstrong). During his 17 years at NASA DFRC, he initially worked aerodynamics, structures, flow visualization, and flight systems for the F-18 High Alpha Research Program; and other experiments on the X-29, B-52, SR-71, and various F-18 research aircraft. Later duties included technical and project management of the F-15B Flight Research Testbed and various subsonic and supersonic flight experiments. Later, he served as Dryden’s Project Manager for DARPA’s Quiet Supersonic Program (QSP) and F-5E flight test. After moving to NASA Langley in 2003, he has served in several positions supporting NASA supersonics research. In 2012, David became the planning lead and then project manager for the low-boom flight demonstrator concept studies which ultimately evolved into the Quiet SuperSonic Technology (QueSST) Preliminary Design. He is now serving at the Deputy Project Manager for Technology on the Low-Boom Flight Demonstrator (LBFD) Project coordinating technical requirements and capabilities across the LBFD Mission. David has been an AIAA member for over 25 years.