Sara Roggia Head of Protections and Controls magniX

Sara Roggia (IEEE SM’20, M’16) completed her Bachelor’s degree and her Master of Science degree in Electrical Engineering at the Politecnico di Bari, Italy. She received her PhD in electrical machines design at the University of Nottingham, UK, as a Marie Curie Fellow in 2017. She has worked extensively on the development of novel electrical machines technologies for aircraft ground operations within the context of the more electric aircraft initiative. In May 2017, Sara joined Motor Design Limited (MDL) working on the design of different topologies of electrical machines. In September 2018, she is joined SAFRAN in France as senior research engineer. Since December 2020, she has been with magniX. WA, USA. Sara joined magniX as a senior electric propulsion system engineer and she became technical fellow in March 2021. In November 2022, she has been appointed Head of Protection and Controls. Her main area of interests are the definition of protections and control algorithms and their implementation onto the inverters of the electrical power units. She holds five patents mainly focused on motor design and control, and more than 18 scientific publications.