Virtual Technical Lecture January 5 2022 1130 - 1245

GTE-15: Autonomy and the Intangible Value of the Pilot
Speakers with expertise in cockpit automation/autonomy will discuss the evolving role of the pilot. This will include ways to maintain/enhance pilot situational awareness as well as the benefit the pilot continues to bring to the human/machine interaction with increased cockpit automation/autonomy.

  • Kathy-Abbott-FAA Kathy Abbott
    Chief Scientific and Technical Advisor, Flight Deck Human Factors, Federal Aviation Administration
  • Ella-Atkins-2022 Ella Atkins
    Professor of Aerospace Engineering; Director, Autonomous Aerospace Systems (A2SYS) Lab; Associate Director of the Robotics Institute, University of Michigan
  • Irene Gregory Irene Gregory
    Senior Technologist, Advanced Control Theory and Application, NASA Langley Research Center
  • Jon-Holbrook-NASA Jon Holbrook
    NASA Langley Research Center
  • Amy Pritchett Amy Pritchett
    Department Head, Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University