Andrew Neely Associate Dean for Research Engagement UNSW Canberra

Andrew Neely is a full Professor at UNSW Canberra where he leads a research team investigating fluid-thermal-structural interactions on high speed vehicles via novel experiments and simulation frameworks. He graduated from the University of Queensland with a Masters and PhD in hypersonic ground test facility development. He works closely with defense agencies in Australia and the US and is the UNSW theme lead for Hypersonics and Counter Measures in the large federally-funded Defense Trailblazer program linking academia with industry. His work has supported flight test programs for DARPA, DSTG/AFRL and for ESA. While he specializes in hypersonic systems he also worked at the University of Oxford for a number of years on gas turbine systems for Rolls Royce, before returning to Australia.
Neely has contributed to international technical committees for the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS), the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) as well as the Australian board member of the International Society for Air Breathing Engines (ISABE). He has served terms as the President of the Australian Division of the RAeS and as the Vice President of ISABE. He has a passion for STEM outreach and established the Cool Aeronautics program in Australia for the RAeS, in conjunction with AIAA, UNSW and a growing list of partners.