Chad Bieber Senior Research Engineer Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory



Dr. Chad Bieber is a Senior Research Engineer at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, currently supporting the Joint AI Center as the Director, AI Assurance Operations.  JAIC AI Assurance combines test and evaluation (T&E) and Responsible AI (RAI) to provide the DoD justified confidence that its AI-enabled systems (AIES) work. 

Before coming to the JAIC, Dr. Bieber served as the Director of Test and Evaluation for Project Maven, leading development of highly automated testing of AI algorithms.  Under his direction, the T&E team developed new metrics that better reflected operational user needs, completed an automation pipeline that delivered algorithm test results in minutes instead of months, and created methods of test set curation to build balanced and optimized test sets.  

Dr. Bieber has been working in the DoD ecosystem for over 20 years.  He started his career as an Air Force Pilot and Instructor Pilot, flying the T-1 and C-5.  After flying the very large C-5, he taught very small UAVs to fly themselves during grad school, working on single-user control of systems of UAVs.  Following grad school, Dr. Bieber worked at Institute for Defense Analyses (IDA) supporting the Director of Operational Test and Evaluation.    At IDA, he lead teams and provided technical expertise for heavy airlift, tanker, and autonomous aircraft, as well as human factors engineering, survey design, and cybersecurity. 

Dr. Bieber holds a Doctor of Philosophy and Master of Science in aerospace engineering from North Carolina State University and a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Colorado School of Mines.