Geoff Butler Director, Office of Airworthiness General Atomics Aeronautical Systems

Geoff is the Director of the Office of Airworthiness for General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., where he oversees the company’s military as well as civil airworthiness certification activities for all of General Atomics’ aircraft. He has been with General Atomics for five years, after leaving BAE Systems as the Engineering Director of their Mission Management Systems business unit. He has over 30 years in the aerospace industry, and has worked on a wide range of aerospace vehicles including subsonic cruise missiles, single-stage-to-orbit launch vehicles, hypersonic aircraft, and unmanned air, ground, and surface vehicles. He has two Master of Science degrees, one from San Diego State University in Aerospace Engineering and another from West Coast University in Aerospace Systems Engineering, and received his Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Florida. He serves as the General Atomics representative to the U.S. Air Force Airworthiness Defense Industry Advisory Group (ADIAG). He is also an active member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a past chairman of the AIAA’s Missile Systems Technical Committee, in which he remains an active member. He is a prior Board Member of the San Diego chapter of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems
International (AUVSI) and has over 20 technical publications. He also teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses in Aircraft Stability and Control at San Diego State University.