Forum 360: Revolutionary Leaps Toward a New Age of Aviation, Part 2 12 June 2023 1330 - 1500
New technologies, customer demand for saving time, and the need to decarbonize aviation are about to bring a sea of change to the aerospace industry, leaving the current tube-and-wing designs behind for a new generation of aircraft that will be radically different. Meet the leaders of the cutting-edge companies working on these new technologies and listen to their views and visions for the aircraft of the future.
Sergio Cecutta
Partner, SMG Consulting LLC
Sean Black
Senior Vice President - Chief Technology Officer & Chief Engineer, Spirit Aerosystems -
Mike Caimona
President and CEO, Aurora Flight Sciences, A Boeing Company -
Manal Habib
CEO, MightyFly -
Ben Murphy
VP, Sustainability, Boom Supersonic -
Ian Villa
COO & Chief Product Officer, Whisper Aero