Forum 360: Connecting Faster 8 January 2020 0930 - 1130
The aerospace industry is burgeoning with new high-speed transport designs. Why is now the right time? Technology, public perception, economy, political environment, our society’s need for instant gratification? It is an exciting time for new concepts from the OML to system integration. Hear from industry leaders of well-known aerospace primes and front-page startups that understand the public’s need to save time and connect faster.
Edgar "Ed" Waggoner
Deputy Associate Administrator for Programs, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, NASA
Joe Wilding
Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, Boom Technology, Inc -
Stephen Frick
Director of Hypersonics and Advanced Materials, Lockheed Martin Space Advanced Technology Center -
Kevin Bowcutt
Senior Technical Fellow and Chief Scientist of Hypersonics, The Boeing Company -
Eric Kaduce
Director, Boeing/Aerion Supersonic Business Jet Joint Venture, The Boeing Company -
AJ Piplica
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Hermeus -
Erik Axdahl
Chief Engineer, High Speed Transport, The Spaceship Company