Meet the Author with Daniel P. Raymer January 4 2022 1300 - 1330
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach and RDSwin Student software
Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach presents the entire process of aircraft conceptual design—from requirements definition to initial sizing, configuration layout, analysis, sizing, optimization, and trade studies. Widely used in industry and government aircraft design groups, it also the design text at major universities around the world. A virtual encyclopedia of engineering, it is known for its completeness, easy-to-read style, and real-world approach to the process of design. The RDSwin Student software allows engineering students to take an aircraft design from first conceptual layout through functional analysis, leading to performance, range, weight, and cost results. By automating the "grunt work" of vehicle analysis, RDSwin Student makes time for the student to truly learn design. Stop by to see Dan demonstrate an aircraft design using his RDSwin Student software. He will also sign copies of his book Aircraft Design.
Daniel P. Raymer
President, Conceptual Research Corporation