AIAA Ice Prediction Workshop



• This is a series of workshops designed to assess the current capabilities of 3D computational icing simulation tools.
• The Focus Area of the workshop is on three-dimensional computational codes used for simulation of in-flight icing including ice accretion on airframe surfaces and water droplet impingement (collection efficiency).

1. Assess the current capabilities of 3D computational icing simulation tools.
2. Bring together the code developer and user communities to share knowledge, information, and head towards a common understanding of best practices for icing modeling and simulation.
3. Identify areas that need additional research and development.

Major Emphasis:
• The first workshop will focus on 3D code-to-experiment comparison of ice shapes and collection efficiency on both 2D and 3D geometries.

General Information:
• Participation in the test cases or Aviation Forum is not required to attend the workshop. Everyone is welcome!
• Information on the test cases is available on the workshop website.
• Open forums and discussions will be included to encourage cross-pollination of ideas and practices.
• Results will be made available after the workshop on the workshop website.
• AIAA membership is not required.

Workshop Website (with additional details including Test Cases):

Workshop Organizing Committee:
AIAA Atmospheric and Space Environments Technical Committee

Contact:  For more information on the Workshop, contact the Workshop Organizer/Chair: Andy Broeren (

This workshop will assess the current capabilities of 3D computational icing simulation tools.


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