Things to Do When You’re a Teleworking Aerospace Engineer or Aerospace Engineering Student

Many aerospace organizations are having their employees work from home to mitigate exposure to the coronavirus and keep communities, especially the most vulnerable members, safe and healthy. AIAA applauds and supports this decision.

We encourage everyone to follow the coronavirus safety guidelines set out by the WHO and CDC.

We understand you still have work to do and may be looking for new ways to connect while you telecommute. We can help.


For the latest updates about AIAA events and forums that have been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic visit:

If you’re a teleworking aerospace professional and have children at home, AIAA has some suggestions to keep your budding aerospace engineer busy.

 Have time to update your research knowledge? Aerospace Research Central has more than 50 years’ worth of research papers.

Looking to start a conversation and hash out a technical topic? Go to Engage.

Recent topics include:

 Engage community is a benefit of AIAA membership

Want to learn something new or brush up your skills? Sign up for online learning. 

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Looking to broaden your understanding of the latest issues in aerospace? Read Aerospace America.

 Current Issue

The May 2020 issue of Aerospace America is now live. Don’t miss this month's cover story, "Action Plans," by Cat Hofacker. Also, see if you possess the knowledge to solve this month's AeroPuzzler: Surviving the Fall.

  • SPACEPOLICY_400x400Space Policy Pod

    Given the current real-world challenges confronting all of us, AIAA has joined the MITRE Corporation, Space Foundation, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to produce this podcast series to examine events and ideas affecting the space sector. We hope the episodes serve as an enlightening discussion on the relevant topics of the day with insights from key policymakers in the field.
    All Episodes | Subscribe!  Spotify |  Apple Podcasts

  • Kevin O'ConnellEpisode 9: Kevin O'Connell

    24 August 2020

    Director of the Office of Space Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce

    Episode recorded 21 August 2020

This episode features Kevin O’Connell, Director of the Office of Space Commerce at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Mr. O’Connell leads an office with responsibility as a space industry advocate within the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. Previously, Mr. O’Connell served as the CEO of Innovative Analytics and Training, a professional services firm focused on analysis and decision support for U.S. government and commercial clients. He also served as a senior consultant to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and as an independent advisor to the Director, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.

 Key Takeaways

The NAPA Report on Space Traffic Management

  • A recent report from the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) recommends that the Department of Commerce should implemented a civil space traffic management system as directed by Space Policy Directive-3.
  • Study Link:

Why is the Department of Commerce best suited for the STM mission?

  • Director O’Connell spoke about the ability of the Department of Commerce is able to leverage knowledge on telecommunications, cybersecurity, as well as industry connections. 
  • Additionally, the Department of Commerce has great expertise in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating large amounts of public data sets, such as through weather forecasting.

The Future of the Office of Space Commerce

  • Future space missions will need timely, precise, and persistent space situational awareness to successfully conduct future commercial activities, such as on-orbit satellite servicing. 
  • As the Department of Commerce builds the Open Architecture Data Repository (OADR), it will have to seriously consider issues such as data integrity and cybersecurity to ensure that the data can be trusted. 
  • In parallel, the Department needs to work to develop “rules of the road” in space, including developing standards and best practices for working with industry and the international community.
  • SPACEPOLICY_400x400Space Policy Pod

    Given the current real-world challenges confronting all of us, AIAA has joined the MITRE Corporation, Space Foundation, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to produce this podcast series to examine events and ideas affecting the space sector. We hope the episodes serve as an enlightening discussion on the relevant topics of the day with insights from key policymakers in the field.
    All Episodes | Subscribe!  Spotify |  Apple Podcasts

  • Kevin O'ConnellEpisode 9: Kevin O'Connell

    24 August 2020

    Director of the Office of Space Commerce, U.S. Department of Commerce

    Episode recorded 21 August 2020

This episode features Kevin O’Connell, Director of the Office of Space Commerce at the U.S. Department of Commerce. Mr. O’Connell leads an office with responsibility as a space industry advocate within the Executive Branch of the U.S. government. Previously, Mr. O’Connell served as the CEO of Innovative Analytics and Training, a professional services firm focused on analysis and decision support for U.S. government and commercial clients. He also served as a senior consultant to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and as an independent advisor to the Director, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.

 Key Takeaways

The NAPA Report on Space Traffic Management

  • A recent report from the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) recommends that the Department of Commerce should implemented a civil space traffic management system as directed by Space Policy Directive-3.
  • Study Link:

Why is the Department of Commerce best suited for the STM mission?

  • Director O’Connell spoke about the ability of the Department of Commerce is able to leverage knowledge on telecommunications, cybersecurity, as well as industry connections. 
  • Additionally, the Department of Commerce has great expertise in collecting, analyzing, and disseminating large amounts of public data sets, such as through weather forecasting.

The Future of the Office of Space Commerce

  • Future space missions will need timely, precise, and persistent space situational awareness to successfully conduct future commercial activities, such as on-orbit satellite servicing. 
  • As the Department of Commerce builds the Open Architecture Data Repository (OADR), it will have to seriously consider issues such as data integrity and cybersecurity to ensure that the data can be trusted. 
  • In parallel, the Department needs to work to develop “rules of the road” in space, including developing standards and best practices for working with industry and the international community.

Learn more about aerospace advocacy and reach out to policy makers.

AIAA delivers extensive technical expertise and policy guidance to decision makers at the federal and state levels, serving as a reliable resource on a full spectrum of aerospace issues such as satellite launch systems and technology, commercial space activities, airport infrastructure modernization, hypersonic vehicle technologies, aircraft manufacturing, and cybersecurity threats.

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