SpaceX Preparing First Starship Test Flight Written 15 July 2019

15 July 2019
Space News reported that “the initial prototype of SpaceX’s next-generation reusable launch vehicle will make its first, albeit low-altitude, test flight early next week, Elon Musk announced July 12.” In a series of tweets, Musk “said the ‘Starhopper’ vehicle SpaceX is assembling at its test site near Brownsville, Texas, will make its first hop on July 16, now that the company has installed a Raptor engine in the vehicle.” Musk “said that, on the upcoming test, the vehicle will go about 20 meters ‘up and sideways’ before landing.” SpaceX “plans, over time, to expand the flight envelope using that vehicle and another prototype.” Musk said, “Mk1 Starship hopefully 20km up in a few months.” (Image: 2018 Starship design with seven sea-level Raptor engines. Credit: SpaceX | Wikipedia)
Full Story (Space News)