Call for Nominations 2013 Written 5 March 2013

Membership Advancements

Now is the time to start thinking about who in your Region/Section is eligible for Associate Fellow, Fellow, and Honorary Fellow.

Associate Fellow candidates shall be persons who have accomplished or been in charge of important engineering or scientific work, or who have done work of outstanding merit or have otherwise made outstanding contributions to the arts, sciences, or technology of aeronautics or astronautics. Nominees must be AIAA Senior Members and have at least 12 years of professional experience.

Associate Fellow nominations are due 15 April 2013 and references are due 15 May 2013.

To submit an Associate Fellow nomination, log into with your email address and password. When logged in, select MY AIAA at the top of the page, and then Associate Fellow.

Fellow candidates shall be persons of distinction in aeronautics or astronautics, and shall have made notable and valuable contributions to the arts, sciences or technology thereof. All Fellow Nominees MUST be an AIAA Associate Fellow for at least 12 months from the current deadline for Fellow nominations.

Honorary Fellow candidates are persons of eminence in the aeronautics or astronautics, recognized through their long and highly contributive careers in the art, science, or technology thereof. All Honorary Fellow Nominees MUST be an AIAA Fellow for at least 12 months from the current deadline for Honorary Fellow nominations.

Fellow and Honorary Fellow nominations are due 15 June 2013 and references are due 15 July 2013.

The nomination packages can be downloaded by logging into with your email address and password. When logged in, select MY AIAA at the top of the page, and then Fellow or Honorary Fellow.