AIAA to Celebrate Achievements in Aerospace Sciences at AVIATION 2014 Forum
May 16, 2014 – Reston, Va. – The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will celebrate technical achievements in aerospace science at a 12:30 p.m. awards luncheon on June 17, as part of the AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition (AIAA AVIATION 2014), being held from 16 – 20 June at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Ga. The honorees are:
- Edward J. Rice, aerospace engineer (retired), NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, will receive the AIAA 2014 Aeroacoustics Award. Rice is being honored for his seminal contributions to the theories of aircraft engine duct noise radiation and grazing flow liner optimization.
- Michael S. Selig, associate professor, Aerospace Engineering Department, University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, will receive the AIAA 2014 Aerodyanmics Award. Selig is being honored for his outstanding contributions to applied aerodynamics research, design, and education, including leadership in the development and public dissemination of airfoil and propeller data.
- Alexander J. Smits, Eugene Higgins Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, will receive the AIAA 2014 Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Award. Smits is being honored for his advancement of quantitative techniques in extreme conditions including high Reynolds numbers and compressible flows, and in particular for research aiding the understanding of hot-wire anemometry.
- Paul E. Dimotakis, John K. Northrop Professor of Aeronautics and professor of applied physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, will receive the AIAA 2014 Fluid Dynamics Award. Dimotakis is being honored for his fundamental contributions to turbulent mixing and combustion through careful and thorough experiments using novel techniques.
- Jeffrey Haas, chief, testing division (retired), Facilities and Testing Directorate, NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio, will receive the AIAA 2014 Ground Testing Award. Haas is being honored for his exceptional management of NASA Glenn Research Center’s test facility assets; for significant contributions to advance aerodynamic propulsion ground testing; and for leadership and service to AIAA.
- Stamatios M. Krimigis, emeritus head, Space Department, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, will receive the AIAA 2014 James A. Van Allen Space Environment Award. Krimigis is being honored for his pioneering studies of the radiation environment around all solar system panels and of interplanetary charged particles from Mercury to the local interstellar medium.
- John Hallett, research professor emeritus (retired), Division of Atmospheric Sciences, Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada, will receive the AIAA 2014 Losey Atmospheric Sciences Award. Hallett is being honored for his outstanding scholarship that has led to a better understanding of the fundamental processes of cloud physical microphysics and for exceptional leadership as a mentor and a teacher of atmospheric physics.
- John T. Lineberry, president and general manager, LyTec, LLC, Manchester, Tennessee., will receive the AIAA 2014 Plasmadynamics and Lasers Award. Lineberry is being honored for his distinguished career in plasmadynamics and magnetohydrodynamics, for his major contributions to terrestrial and aerospace applications, and for fostering of scientific and technological advancements through international collaborations and AIAA.
- Van P. Carey, professor, A. Richard Newton Chair, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of California at Berkeley, California, will receive the AIAA 2014 Thermophysics Award. Carey is being honored for his seminal and sustained contributions to the field of liquid-vapor phase change thermophysics, particularly near-interface nano-scale and micro-scale phenomena and transport in liquid-vapor systems.
Additionally, Eric J. Jumper, professor, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana, will receive an AIAA Sustained Service Award during the luncheon. Jumper is being honored for his service to AIAA as a member, Technical Committee member, meeting chair, prolific author, and student section faculty advisor.
Certificates of merit will also be presented to recognize “best papers” in aerospace science disciplines, including Aerodynamic Measurement Technology, Applied Aerodynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Ground Testing, Plasmadynamics and Lasers and Thermophysics.
Addressing the theme “Aviation’s Global Promise – Challenges & Opportunities,” AVIATION 2014 will build on the foundation of AVIATION 2013 to stimulate thought-provoking conversations among industry leaders and the engineering and technical professionals that develop and operate aviation systems. In addition to cutting-edge technical research presentations, the program will feature panel discussions and keynote presentations addressing some of the pressing opportunities and challenges for the aviation industry.
The premier sponsor for AVIATION 2014 is Lockheed Martin Corporation. Other sponsors include: Airbus, The Boeing Company, Dunmore Corporation, , The Georgia Center of Innovation for Aerospace, Gulfstream, and Hondajet.
For more information about the AIAA Honors and Award program, please contact Carol Stewart at or at 703.264.7623. For more information on the AVIATION 2014 Forum, please contact Duane Hyland at or at 703.264.7558.