AIAA Twitter Contest Results August 2014 Written 14 August 2014

In an effort to share the highlights of our Forums with the public, and to increase the Institute’s visibility via social media, AIAA sponsored Twitter contests at both our Propulsion and Energy Forum in Cleveland, and at the SPACE 2014 Forum in San Diego, this past July and August, respectively.

Anyone attending the conference who actively tweeted news from the forums was eligible to win. The individual deemed to have tweeted the most relevant 140-character highlights, the most times, won first prize. a There was a lot of news to get out, as nearly 2,800 tweets in total were posted over the course of both events, reaching over 2 million people around the world. Of course, when the first place prize is an iPad mini, there’s a lot of incentive to get the news out, 140 characters at a time. Second place received a $100 VISA gift card, with third place earning a $50 VISA gift card.

The contest results were as follows:

SPACE 2014, 4–7 August, San Diego, California
Stuart Grey with his iPad mini at University College London, in front of the Main Building (built in 1827).
Stuart Grey, poses with Hira Virdee, third place winner.

First Place: Stuart Grey, a student at University College, London, United Kingdom (UK). Twitter handle: @stugrey.

Second Place:  David Hitt (not pictured), a strategic communications contractor for NASA's Space Launch System program, Huntsville, Alabama. Twitter handle: @davidhitt

Third Place: Hira Virdee, student, University College, London, UK. Twitter handle: @HiraVerdee

Propulsion and Energy 2014, 28–30 July, Cleveland, Ohio
First place winner Callen Brooks pictured with AIAA Executive Director Sandy Magnus
Second place winner Samantha Alberts pictured with AIAA Executive Director Sandy Magnus
Third place winner Karin Bozak pictured with AIAA Executive Director Sandy Magnus.

First Place: Callen Brooks, a student at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. Twitter handle: @callen_t_brooks.

Second Place:  Samantha Alberts, a student at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Twitter handle: @sjalberts5.  

Third Place: Karin Bozak, an electrical engineer at NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio. Twitter Handle: @KBinCLE.