National Space Council Studying Measures To Safeguard Satellite Spectrum Written 2 May 2018
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Space News reports that the National Space Council (NSC) is studying better coordination of the radiofrequency spectrum to “protect satellite communications from terrestrial interference, the council’s executive secretary said April 30.” Speaking at the Hudson Institute, NSC Executive Director Scott Pace called for setting aside parts of the spectrum for satellite services in order to protect it from interference from terrestrial 5G services. According to Pace, the US “needs to continue open and promote competitive markets and protect spectrum allocation for space services to compete.” Pace anticipates potential issues from neighboring countries using parts of the spectrum in ways that “would harm the global economy,” arguing that a “global approach is necessary to protect US space commerce.” Proposals to allow some terrestrial use of the satellite spectrum are “likely to come up at the next World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) in 2019.” For these reasons, Pace explained, the National Space Council is “examining how the Department of State, Commerce and the FCC can better coordinate to ensure the protection and stewardship of spectrum necessary for space commerce.”
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