Soyuz Booster Arrives At Cosmodrome Launch Pad With Space Station Refueling Freighter Written 30 July 2019

30 July 2019
Spaceflight Now reports that on Sunday, “the Russian Progress MS-12 supply ship and its Soyuz booster arrived at a launch the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan” ahead of the planned launch “at 1210:46 GMT (8:10:46 a.m. EDT; 5:10:46 p.m. Baikonur time) Wednesday.” The automated supply carrier will deliver “more than 2,600 pounds (1.2 metric tons) of dry cargo to the space station inside the spacecraft’s pressurized compartment, including scientific equipment, components for the life support system, food, clothing, medical supplies and personal items for the research lab’s six-person crew, according to Roscosmos, the Russian space agency.” The Soyuz-2.1a rocket rode a rail car “from an assembly building at Baikonur early Monday and journeyed to Launch Pad No. 31, where ground crews raised the launcher vertical using a hydraulic lift amid rain showers and gusty winds.” (Image: International Space Station. Credit: NASA)
Full Story (Spaceflight Now)