DJI Releases Mavic-2 With Aircraft Warning System Feature Only in North America Written 28 April 2020


DJI Mavic Pro in flight; Sinky; Wikimedia Commons; CC BY-SA 4.0

BBC News Online (UK) reports that DJI has released a consumer UAV that warns users of “nearby planes and helicopters via its controller.” However, due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on DJI’s supply chain, the DJI Mavic-2 UAV will only be equipped with this feature in North America to begin with, and the company will offer the Mavic-2 UAV without this feature in Europe. For the North American Mavic-2, the “control screen will display the location of nearby aircraft. If they start to approach, the device will show messages, make sounds and vibrate in the hand to warn of potential danger, prompting the pilot to change paths.”
Full Story (BBC News Online)