Virgin Galactic Pushes First Commercial Flight to 2021 Written 4 August 2020
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SpaceShipTwo "Unity" at rollout event on 19 February 2016 | By Ronrosano/Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0
Space News reports that Virgin Galactic “has pushed the beginning of commercial flights of its SpaceShipTwo suborbital vehicle to no earlier than the first quarter of 2021.” The company, “in its fiscal second quarter financial results released Aug. 3, said it expected to perform two more test flights of SpaceShipTwo from Spaceport America in New Mexico, both of which will be powered flights.” Virgin Galactic Chief Space Officer George Whitesides “said in [an earnings] call that the coronavirus pandemic had slowed down work on SpaceShipTwo, including planning for test flights.” The company previously had planned to conduct its first commercial flight by the end of 2020.
Full Story (Space News)